Our college has a well-equipped library consisting of a large volumes of books (around 12000) in all branches of Engineering under 8000 different titles . There are number of journals and magazines in all the fields of engineering for our students reference.
English and Tamil dailies, Employment News, in additional to a number of weekly, fortnightly, monthly and bi-monthly periodicals also available in our library for the students and staff to update their knowledge and skills. Awareness has been created among the students often to use the library in the best possible way, for their upliftment and updating of knowledge.
- Borrowers tickets are not transferable.
- At the time of taking the books the members should show their Identity Card to the librarian.
- When returning a book, the borrower must get back his / her ticket. Otherwise he / she will be held responsible for the book.
- A Student can make use of a book issued to him / her for a period of ten days from the date of issue and should return to the library on the date marked on the date-slip. However, if a student wants to renew the book, he / she can do so, provided no other member has already reserved for the same book.
- Only one such renewal is permitted. The book should be produced for every renewal.
- The Librarian may recall any book at any time from a student.
- A student failing to renew or return a book within the due date, will have to pay a fine of Rs.5/- per day.
- A student who has to pay fine or any other charge due to the library will not be allowed to borrow books, until he settles the dues.
- Absence form the college is no excuse for the delay in return of books to the library.
- All payments including fines due to the library has to be paid only in the office counter.
- A student who losses his / her ticket must at once bring the matter to the notice of the librarian in writing. Duplicate ticket will be issued on payment of Rs.50/- for each ticket.
- In case this is not done the librarian is not responsible for the books issued against the borrowers lost ticket. This will lead to recovery of the cost of the books issued with fine.
- Students must return their tickets, at the end of the course or at the time of leaving the college whichever is earlier and get No Due Certificate from the Librarian and produce to the Administrative Officer.
- No tracing or Mechanical reproduction shall be made without the permission of the Librarian. Xeroxing facility is available in the office.
- Back issues of periodicals / journals will not be issued to the students.
- If a book is reported to be lost, the borrower has to replace it by a new edition of the same title. If the book is not available in the market, double the price of the book for Indian edition and thrice the price of the book for foreign edition, will be collected. It shall be noted that until the book is replaced or paid for, the fine will continue to be revived till the book is replaced or cost remitted.
- If the due date falls on a holiday, the next working day will be taken as due date.
- Students are not allowed to sub-lend the library books.
- Before leaving the library counter, the students must satisfy themselves are to whether the books taken are in good condition. Any damage in a book should be immediately reported to the Librarian, failing which the student to whom the book is issued will have to pay for the damage.
- Encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, hand books, journals and other reference books will not be issued to the students.
- The reading room will be kept open during the working hours of the college.
- Students who misbehave in the library or misuse the library will have to face disciplinary action.